Supermarket meat doesn’t look the same to everyone…

Meet Jake Dickson, owner and operator of Dickson’s Farmstand Meats in New York City.

For Jake, supermarket meat is a turn-off. He’s one of many inspired by the work of Michael Pollan and The Omnivore’s Dilemma. But one of few who actually went on to seek a more hands on experience working on small to large farms, in butcher shops and slaughter houses to really understand the big picture of where meat comes from. And for Jake, good meat comes from small, sustainable, local farms…a philosophy he adheres to for his business.

Dickson’s Farmstand is special because they know the story behind every piece of meat in their meat case. They go out of their way each week to source and butcher whole pork, lamb, beef and poultry from farmers who care about their animals. Farmers who believe that happy animals make a huge difference.

So come take a peek into Jake’s NEW meat shop, hear how he’s working to educate customers on trying new cuts of meat, and see for yourself why his products are “food you can believe in”.

For more info, stop by their Chelsea Market shop or visit:

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