You don’t need a farm to raise chickens.

Meet Megan Paska and Katrina Mauro both Mother Hens to four curious egg-laying chickens in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They decided to raise chickens for the first time in their tiny urban backyard as a way to live more sustainably. What they discovered is that raising chickens is easier than raising a dog…and just as rewarding.

Come take a peek into their backyard operation and see for yourself why keeping chickens should be something more urban dwellers (with a backyard, of course) should entertain.

**food. curated. is also happy to report that over the holidays, Megan and Katrina’s chickens laid their very first eggs! And, according to them, “it’s impossible to go back from truly fresh eggs!” We couldn’t agree more…**

To read up on or possibly purchase your future backyard egg-layer, visit My Pet Chicken:

Thanks for watching food. curated.